Mentorship: Diasporas can transfer knowledge to enterprises, organizations, and individuals in their countries of origin or ancestry. Diaspora mentorship, either in-person or remote, is a way to build networks and share experiences and skills.

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Philanthropy: Diaspora philanthropy, also known as “collective remittances,” is intended for the common good of a group (e.g., infrastructure) and is driven by personal and cultural ties to local communities.
Humanitarian Response: Diasporas play a significant role in pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis contexts, fueled by loyalty and solidarity to their country of origin or ancestry. With their linguistic, cultural, environmental, political, and economic links, they are in a unique position to contribute.
Volunteerism: Volunteer organizations offer a vehicle for Diaspora members to return to their country of origin or ancestry to perform public service, leveraging their specialized and local knowledge.
Investment: With the rise of social impact investing, the growth of emerging economies, and an increase in venture opportunities in the developing world, diasporas are investing in their country of origin or ancestry.

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Networks and Market Linkages: Diaspora individuals, organizations, and businesses can bring market insights and access to those in their country of origin or ancestry. This can be used to foster two-way business exchange, allowing small businesses to expand from domestic value chains to global export markets.
Entrepreneurship: Many Diaspora businesses or entrepreneurs want to invest and operate in their country of origin or ancestry, either to provide an income stream for their families or for their own livelihood.
Tourism and Trade Markets: Diasporas make up a large portion of the tourists visiting developing countries every year. Diaspora tourists often buy nostalgic goods which are typically produced by micro- and small-scale enterprises in their home communities.
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